FAQs and expert advice about djs

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Kent Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

When The Sun Sets

When The Sun Sets

Q What is your advice on creating an elegant winter wonderland wedding?
A Tim Cullen says: One massive plus of holding your wedding in the autumn and winter months is the darkness. With summer weddings, it gets dark as late as 10pm, and we find guests only really like to dance when they have two things on their side: darkness and alcohol!

People are self-conscious when it comes to dancing, especially at the start of the evening. We find the darker the room, the more likely it is that people will boogie. In winter, people hit the dancefloor much earlier, which in turn means more party time! During the summer, guests generally only have one hour of dancing after the sun goes down, compared to five hours in the winter.

Also, with darkness comes spectacular lighting options. You can transform any space with the right lighting and this can add a new dimension and energy to your big day. For example, we offer an array of options from up-lights and club lighting, to mirror balls and more to enhance the venue's features, bring energy to the dancefloor and accentuate your colour scheme.

Tim Cullen, Mint DJs

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